Hotline : 021 – 22047550 - 0813.9900.3779
SA 8000 – A system of international labor standards and mechanisms for compliance and certification overseen by the nonprofit Social Accountability International with participation by corporations, unions, and NGOs.It contracts with a global accreditation agency, Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) that licenses and oversees auditing organisations to award certification to employers that comply with SA 8000.
This is the fourth issue of SA8000, a voluntary standard for auditable third-party verification, setting out the requirements to be met by organisations, including the establishment or improvement of workers’ rights, workplace conditions and an effective management system. However, certification is only available per specific worksite.
The foundational elements of this Standard are based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, conventions of the ILO, international human rights norms and national labour laws. The normative SA8000 certification audit reference documents are the SA8000: 2014 Standard and the SA8000 Performance Indicator Annex. Additionally, the SA8000 Guidance Document facilitates compliance with the Standard. The SA8000 Performance Indicator Annex, a normative document, sets out the minimum performance expectations of an SA8000 certified organisation.
The SA8000 Guidance Document provides interpretations of SA8000 and how to implement its requirements; provides examples of methods for verifying compliance; and serves as a handbook for auditors and for organisations seeking SA8000 certification.
Although SA8000 is universally applicable, and certification is in principle available in any state or industry, there are exceptions to SA8000 certification. The SAI Advisory Board considers that there are some sectors where meeting all Standard requirements poses special difficulty due to industry norms and technical needs.
Signature Park Grande
Tower Green TC/11/09
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 20, Jakarta Timur 13330
Phone : 021 – 2204.7550
Hotline : 0813.9900.3779